5 Ways Coffee Delivery Can Help Your Next Business Meeting

Many business people consider coffee to be a staple of their daily routine. However, coffee isn't relegated to a beverage workers enjoy before heading to the office. It should be a staple of the morning business meeting you hold in your office as well.

Discover five reasons you should have a delivery service provide the coffee order for your next morning meeting.

1. You Don't Lose an Assistant

Many companies already provide coffee at their morning meetings, whether they're hosting clients or strategizing in-house. The standard practice is to collect orders and send an assistant. Your company likely has more pressing matters to which your assistant can attend. If you set up coffee delivery instead, your assistant can focus on in-office tasks.

2. You Can Enjoy Coffee at the Correct Temperature

Similarly, that time assistants take to fetch coffee works against you in another way — your coffee's temperature. Unless the local coffee shop wraps your coffee in bulky thermals, the beverage starts losing heat almost immediately. This situation is especially true in the cold months. Coffee delivery services have the resources to deliver hot coffee to your meeting.

3. You Can Offer a Variety of Choices

Any coffee shop should offer a variety of drip and espresso-based drinks. The benefit with a delivery service, though, is you'll have a menu and way of pre-ordering. You can even set up auto-payment for regular meetings. What's more, when you're hosting clients, you can offer them a variety of upscale drinks that the delivery service can even suggest for the occasion.

4. Your Meeting Looks More Business-Like

A coffee delivery service typically arrives with carafes of coffee and disposable cups. They can also provide individualized orders, though. Because it's their business, they have all the supplies necessary to arrive for your meeting poised and prepared. What's more, they typically come in wearing a uniform, which presents a professional appearance.

5. Your Employees Can Save Money

Businesses are always looking for ways to save money. Well, employees typically are, too. A daily cappuccino at a local or chain coffee shop can add up for them. If you set up a delivery service for regular meetings, though, the cost is typically a lot less. They won't have to pay out quite as much. As a treat, you can even pay for the coffee yourself at a lower rate.

Next time you're hosting a morning business meeting, consider setting up coffee delivery instead of sending an assistant out for the java.

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Smart Ways To Use Local Produce

Hi there, my name is Frank DeLani. Welcome to my website about local produce. When I was a young college kid, I had to learn how to cook quick food to eat between my classes. During this time, I grew weary of the typical noodle and broth dishes available to me. To spice them up, I decided to use cheap, local produce and create my own unique recipes. I will talk about the different types of local produce that you can use to extend your dinner menu through each season. Please feel free to follow my site on a daily basis to learn all you can about smartly utilizing fresh, local produce in your meals.



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